Dog and Cat Ear Cleaner 60ml


  • €7.95
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Vetocanis dog and cat cleansing lotion is formulated with plant extracts known for their softening and soothing properties. Paraben and silicone free, the lotion allows you to clean sensitive parts, ears for this product, without irritating your companion.

The cleansing lotion gently eliminates your pet's earwax residue without risk of irritation to keep its ear canals always clean.

  • Eliminates earwax residue
  • The formula is suitable for all ages, from puppies and kittens to adult dogs and cats.
  • Paraben and silicone free
  • Made in France
  • With plant extracts


VETOCANIS has been an expert in care products for dogs and cats for more than 20 years. We have developed a complete range (hair care, dental hygiene, antiparasitics, anti-stress) dedicated to animal well-being.

using advice

Practical and easy to use, a few drops of the cleaning lotion are enough to clean your companion's ears cleanly and delicately. Remove impurities using a cotton pad.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tania d.W.
Pas évident!

Notre chat mâle à poil long souffre chaque année d'une accumulation de saletés dans les oreilles, qui s'enflamment et démangent. Le nettoyage hebdomadaire de ses oreilles avec ce produit évite bien des désagréments, mais il n'est pas facile de s'en débarrasser indemne, car il ne se laisse pas faire et se défend avec ses griffes.

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